The Fruition of the Earth
(A "Carlovain" Creation Myth)

[In the mountains of the northern parts of Carlovain is a cavern that is known as the “Earth’s Mouth” and to the south of that, near the edge of the mountain ranges of the North, is a tall rock-pillar that is called the “Earth’s Manhood” (well, that’s the polite term for it!). The warm winds flowing into and out of the Earth’s Mouth cause long, sighing sounds to come forth every morning and evening. The winds, which can go either into or out of the Earth at such times, and shift unexpectedly, can be strong enough to knock a man down if it takes him unawares. With the clouds that hang above the mountains and descend with the cooling of autumn to ring the Earth's Manhood, it is easy enough to see in all of this the origin of this myth.]

When the Light and the Dark had completed, when the heat and the cold had joined into one, when the formless became formed, there was the Earth and all that lived upon it.

The Earth was young, the Earth was golden of skin and smooth upon his flanks, within him beat the slow steady pulsations of the creation still, for he was the progeny of Light and Dark, he was the coalescence of heat and cold, he was the form that the formlessness had become. He was beautiful and adorned with all the things of life which made up a part of him, he moved in the animals that ran upon him, he moved with the rivers and the streams, and the brooks that caressed his sweetly brown body, his hills and his mountains were the form of his body and they swelled and reached up hungrily, the fingers of the mountains reached upwards, his rivers stroked his body avidly, for the Earth was alive, but not yet brought to fruition.

The Earth opened its deep blue eyes and it looked upon itself, its rivers stroked the green canopies of the forests that were his hair, his mouth which was a gently singing cavern sighed from within, sighed with its need, sighed with the desire for completion, for fruition.

“I am lonely.” Sighed the Earth with its first breath of its newness, its first words to the Entirety that was everything, the Earth sighed, “I am lonely.”

And it drew in its second breath and its second words were, “I need, I want, I yearn!”

And it drew in its third breath, and its third words were, “Who shall I have for my completion? I have been brought into existence, I have upon me all the elements that will make me fruitful, make me complete, make me whole.”

And the fourth breath was just a sigh, a sigh that shook all of creation, shook all the animals that lived, all the plants that lived, all the rivers that lived, all the hills and the mountains moved in the Earth’s desire, moved in the Earth’s need, moved in the Earth’s yearning for what, even the Earth did not know, for the Earth was new and had yet to learn everything.

And as the fourth breath exhaled from the Earth’s nostrils, it reached out and the breath took on a countenance and the countenance was of a man and the man smiled and the clouds beyond the countenance shaped themselves to the form of a man, and the Earth smiled up at the man, and he moved his body and he moved his mountains and his hills, and he took the form of a man as well, the rivers shaping and pulling himself upwards, and so Earth could smile.

“Who are you?” was the Earth’s fifth words. That and, “Will you help me?”

“I am Sky.” said the man who was clouds, who was birds, who was sunlight and radiance and warmth that reached down and stroked the Earth, the animals running in the warmth in delight, the trees bowing and rippling upon the caresses of the winds. “I am Sky, and I was born as you were, out of the formlessness that became form, out of the Light and the Dark, out of the heat and the cold, I am Sky and I was born as you were, and I was born to love you for that is the essence and the entirety of the completion of the Earth.”

And with gentle warm rains, Sky stroked Earth’s body and the Earth sighed and his hills pulsed in rhythm to his sighs and his waters churned with his need, brought alive and awakened by the gentle caress of the Sky’s sunlight and the Sky’s rainfall.

And the Earth reached up with its highest mountain and the Sky reached down with his cloudy countenance and the Earth and the Sky kissed, and in that kiss, the rivers raged the more, and the animals drank from the waters, and the plants drank from the waters, and as they drank, they partook of the Earth’s desire and it ignited their own.

And the sunlight warmed the Earth the more, and the Earth moaned and opened his mouth the greater, and the Sky entered him with its manhood, a shaft of powerful winds that entered the cavern of the Earth and that was the act of fruition for which the Earth had yearned, the need for which the Earth’s first sighs had been for.

Illustration for Fruition of the Earth Hungrily, the Earth sucked on the winds of the Sky, his moist cavern drinking in the power of the warm Sky’s wind, taking in the strength and the vigor of the Sky’s lusty strength into itself.

And the Earth roiled again in its potential, and its skin bloomed with the warmth of its lovemaking, and the animals and the plants became gravid with their young, their seeds filling out and their blossoms bursting forth, and the bees and the birds which were of the Sky partook of their vigor and returned it with their own, and so all of creation joined in the love of Earth and Sky, and the Earth warmed and the Sky warmed, and the joining of the two continued.

When the Sky turned upon the Earth and the clouds of his body lowered, and surrounded the pillar of the Earth’s own manhood, when the warm moistness engulfed the Earth’s vitality, the Earth moaned again and again, the loud sounds echoing from its cavern of the Earth’s Mouth, and in that time, the Earth and the Sky kissed and joined and became one, the completion of the creation returned to the Entirety once more.

And with that kiss, in a burst of the very juices of creation from within, the Earth exploded into its fruition. The plants bore their fruit and sent their seeds out into the world, to lay upon the Earth’s skin, and there to be born anew into new plants, the animals bore their young and the young grew fat upon the bounty of the Earth and its fruition, and as the Earth moaned in its ecstasy through the cavern of its mouth, as it was lying in the arms and the clouds of the Sky, so did the Earth bear its harvest and the joining of itself with Sky was expressed in the seeds of its body, the birth of its young.

And in that moment, too, the Sky burst forth upon the Earth’s body, spewing itself upon the flanks of the Earth’s body with bountiful rains that filled the rivers and the lakes of the Earth and in that expression, did Sky give to itself of the Earth, and the Earth gave to itself of the Sky.

And with a few gentle strokes of its rain, the Sky kissed the Earth and said, “And now, I must release you for a time, for that is how it should be.”

And the Earth said, “Shall we never meet again?”

The Sky smiled and said, “We shall meet again and again, we shall never be apart, for you and I are the whole of creation, we are Earth and Sky, and we together recreate with every joining the first act of creation.

“What shall I do, until we join again?” the Earth asked.

“Sleep, now,” the sky said, “Rest and when I return to you once more, we shall again renew ourselves. Until then, I shall send to you reminders of my love for you, for it is eternal and cannot be denied, and it shall cover you until we can return to our lovemaking once again.”

And so the Earth gave a last sigh from the cavern of its mouth, and the clouds rose from the Earth’s body and the Earth went to sleep, cooling its body, and the reminders of the Sky came to it from time to time as promised, in the form of the snows that fall upon the Earth, caring for and covering the Earth with his blanket of snow, which shields the Earth even in its coldness, and when the Sky returns, he awakens the Earth by turning the snow into the waters that seep into the Earth, bringing awake the animals and the plants which have slept with him, and the Earth turns and smiles, and their love begins the seasons anew.